HD Quiz

Delighted to discover HD Quiz plugin. I was thinking of …

Published: June 27, 2021
Support status: closed

Delighted to discover HD Quiz plugin. I was thinking of trying out adding quiz. Had been searching one that allowed bulk import of questions I once used in physical classes, pre-formatted into the required format rather than having to create entirely in the dashboard afresh or invest upfront in import option in an explorative phase. I love the option to randomise questions and answer options. The option to prelim review via add on on how each quiz is being taken up is also valuable. I especially value the option of creating a question pool and drawing from them. the HD Quiz’s Gutenberg block is enabling posting the quiz on the front end from a dropdown list. Thank you. I almost did not know about this plugin since most reviews like the one here https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/best-quiz-plugins-for-wordpress/ do not list most of these features – question bank/pool, bulk import via CSV, randomisation -that set its basic version significantly apart. I discovered this plugin in response to perhaps a Quora query or some such where someone had named this plugin as having the option to import.
Some thoughts at prelim stage of adoption: In the CSV format for answer I find the answer, however, can be set up only be a single integer from the 10 possible options – that is single choice answer only. While it is possible to phrase questions in a way that options become part of question and answer choices are all, 1&4, 123 in answer field, but a direct way is good. Once imported, I concluded from your video, multiple correct answers can perhaps be manually set. It would have been lovely if it could accept numbers separated by a comma in the answer field to indicate multiple correct answers or accomodate multiple answer fields with only the first answer field mandatory field in import, additional ones imported if it had content. I thought one of this would be a small tweek.
Integer in the answer field is mandatory. So text answer to fill in the blank is not feasible nor questions only cannot import (with answer of fill in the blank being typed in dashboard).
The one feature I am missing is pagination in the questions. I do not like all questions being displayed at one go. Merely having the option to prevent answering them is not enough. Quiz Styler Add-on’s description page also does not clarify if this option will be received through it. the video

shows question spacing as an option on the screen, but did not discuss it and if it does this. Would help.
Quiz Styler add on appears to be purchasable as a one-time payment since no month wise payment is indicated – so unless updated version needed, this will continue to work even after updates end? How about a multiple site or developers licences? Also I find people complain on payment options do not accomodate those without credit card. Paypal or other methods of paying feasible now?

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: sulabh

Hi sulabh,
articles like that wpbeginner one were written years ago despite what their “last updated” date is, so a lot of those articles are talking about the way HD Quiz worked 5+ years ago – very outdated and we’ve grown a lot!

> if it could accept numbers separated by a comma in the answer field to indicate multiple correct answers or accomodate multiple answer

This is a good idea and I will consider allowing this. One of the challenges I always have to deal with is making something as flexible and powerful as I can, while also making it as intuitive and streamlined as possible for new/non-tech users as well.

As for the styler addon, if you only wanted it to enable pagination, then as your other messages indicates – it’s not needed as pagination is built in from the get go 🙂

However, if you still want to get the styler to customize the design as needed, then the things to know is that

A) it’s a one-time purchase – a single license for a single website (comes with a 30 day dev license as well if needed)
B) there is no multi-site support at this time. If you need it for multiple sites, you’ll need to buy each license individually.
C) updates are always free. If I updated HD Quiz in a way that would break the styler addon, and updated version of the styler addon will also be available to you as a free upgrade.
D) Sorry – credit and debit only through stripe.com – I am not accepting paypal at this time, but please feel free to contact me from the homepage here if you would like to arrange an alternate method.

27 June 2021 — 19:36 support admin - Dylan

In the comments section of the WPBeginner page, I have commented on their profiling of HDQuiz not doing a fair job. I hope they will revisit in their next revision. General Google search on features of WordPress compatible Quiz plugin does not give fair account of features.

06 July 2021 — 05:34 thread author - Sulabh

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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