HD Quiz

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Can we change shortcode number –[HDquiz quiz = "71"]

Published: May 10, 2024
Support status: closed

Hello sir/mam, i made many quizes in my website…now i just want to change shortcode number –This quiz no longer exists-71 to according to its sequence in my website like 30..is this possible to change automatically generated shortcode number by plugin & is their any possibility that we can change shortcode number and arrange according to our website quiz sequences from 1 to 50. So, can you help to solve this issue..

thread author: chhavi

Hello sir/mam, i made many quizzes in my website…now i just want to change short code number – HDquiz quiz=71 to according to its sequence in my website like 30..is this possible to change automatically generated short code number by plugin & is their any possibility that we can change short code number and arrange according to our website quiz sequences from 1 to 50. So, can you help to solve this issue..

10 May 2024 — 04:37 thread author - chhavi

Hi chhavi, sorry, but you cannot do this. The ID is assigned by WordPress itself. I have zero control over what the number is.

WordPress assigns IDs in incremental order. Every time you create a post, page, taxonomy, upload an image, leave a comment, (and many more things!) WordPress assigns these things a unique ID and increases the count by 1.

If you were to, for example create 10 quizzes in a row (don’t create any questions, just create the quizzes for now) you will see that the Quiz Ids will be in incremental order. But it would be impossible to make the numbers start at 1 since that would break WordPress.

11 May 2024 — 14:29 support admin - Dylan

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