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Button font color doesn’t change

Published: February 19, 2024
Support status: closed


somehow, the button font colour doesn’t change. It is always white, even though in the settings it is set to black.
The other font colours work fine.

This is not an urgent matter.
Have a nice holiday!

Best, Michaela

thread author: Michaela

Hi Michaela, thanks!

I just took a look and adding the following to the “Custom CSS” section of the Styler Addon will force your theme to set the button colour to black.

.page-content .hdq_quiz_wrapper .hdq_button {color: #000000 !important}

19 February 2024 — 06:13 support admin - Dylan

Hi Dylan,

thank you.
I copied the code into the “Custom CSS” section, but unfortunately the font colour still is not changing.
I also copied the code into the “Custom CSS” of my theme, but the font colour stays white.
So, I slightly changed the button colour as a temporary solution. 🙂

Thank you, Michaela

21 February 2024 — 07:11 thread author - Michaela

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