HD Quiz

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After researching a lot of trivia quiz plugins, I really …

Published: March 16, 2020
Support status: closed

After researching a lot of trivia quiz plugins, I really felt yours was the best looking. When setting up our test quiz on our staging site, we ran into issues that have been traced back to an incompatibility with the BunnyCDN plugin.

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Chase

Hi Chase,
there is no reason HD Quiz would be incompatible with BunnyCDN or ANY CDN. All assets are enqueued using WordPress’ native functions. I cannot help further without actually seeing the incompatibility myself, but taking a look at this might provide some insights.

Can you please expand on what exact issues you ran into?

The issue probably stems from some misconfiguration with your site/sever related to SSL, but like I said, I can’t really help without seeing the issue myself. Any additional information you can provide would be appreciated!

16 March 2020 — 11:01 support admin - Dylan

Thanks for the quick reply. We also had to disable the Autoptimize plugin so it may very well be CSS related. I’ll finish the one quiz and then transfer it from the staging site to the live site to see if that clears up any of the issues. Some plugins do misbehave on our staging site but are fine when live. I will let you know what happens. Thanks again!

16 March 2020 — 16:57 thread author - Chase

Well, we have two quizzes posted on our live site with both plugins activated AND no problems that I’ve encountered. Appears it was just a conflict while on the staging platform. Thanks for the excellent plugin. We hope to generate a lot of quizzes at www.rocketstem.org for all the kids that stuck at home for the rest of the school year.

18 March 2020 — 17:09 thread author - Chase

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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