HD Quiz

After click finish button page scrolled up. Page not to …

Published: April 23, 2020
Support status: closed

After click finish button page scrolled up.
Page not to be scrolled up. page will be still.
Please try to fix it.

With regards
Abhijit Das

This thread has been imported from harmonicdesign.ca/hd-quiz/

thread author: Abhijit Das

Hi Abhijit,
I dont know what you are asking.

Are you saying that the page DOES or DOES NOT scroll to the results? Are you saying that you don’t want the page to scroll? IF so, why would you want to disable that functionality?

If your page is NOT scrolling, please provide a link so I can take a look

23 April 2020 — 13:45 support admin - Dylan

Dear developer! This is a wonderful job! But, after passing the test and pressing the button “Done”, the page is scrolled up, and the text of the result remains at the bottom of the page. Please correct this misunderstanding! Thank you very much for your work !!! We love you!!!!

25 April 2020 — 12:18 Oleg

Hi Oleg,
this is a known issue and has already been fixed for the next release. For now, I recommend enabling “Show results above quiz” so that the scrolling location is correct.

25 April 2020 — 13:24 support admin - Dylan

If you are enjoying HD Quiz please leave a review here on the official WordPress.org page. HD Quiz is developed by me, just some dude, and is supported and available for free. It may seem dumb, but truly nothing makes me happier than knowing that people are using and loving HD Quiz and my hard work.

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