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Adding audio file to a question?

Published: April 11, 2024
Support status: closed

Hi, I need to add and audio file per question. It seems to be impossible. Help please? I will have to stop using your plugin if I can’t do unfortunately because it’s for a language quiz.

thread author: CAROLE

Please take a look at this previous thread:

Question Featured Audio?

In that thread, I responded with a link to a FREE addon that adds in the ability for you to add audio, video, or anything else to each question.

12 April 2024 — 00:06 support admin - Dylan

thanks. Are you still planning to do this? “First, you can wait one or two weeks, and the next version of HD Quiz will have this built in.”

12 April 2024 — 00:25 thread author - CAROLE

Keep reading 🙂

The important part is here. That’s where I outline how the integration works as well as provide the download link.

12 April 2024 — 13:02 support admin - Dylan

Yes. thank you very much! It’s so great to be able to do it now!

12 April 2024 — 17:21 thread author - CAROLE

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You can also upload images to imgur and paste the links here. Just make sure that your images don't include any sensitive information.
