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Why is HD Quiz not shown in Plugins?

Published: March 30, 2024
Support status: comment

Hi there Dylan. I am a newcomer to the HD Plugins ecosystem and am very excited to have run across it. I like your style! I am considering getting out from my burdensome and aging Watu Pro setup and redoing all of my many quizzes in HD Quiz + addons.

My question is, why is there no featured product listing for HD Quiz on the main Plugins page at hdplugins.com? I understand that HD Quiz free; but for folks like me coming in from Google, we are wondering “Where is the plugin that seems central and essential to the HDPlugins addon set? Why is there no immediately obvious direct link or promotion of HD Quiz?”.

I did eventually find a link at

HD Quiz Documentation

but it was a circuitous route to get there.

Anyway, I hope my comment is somewhat clearer than mud ahahaha. I wish you all the best and am looking forward to getting into HD Quiz ecosystem soon! </Kaliko in Hilo, Hawaii.

thread author: Kaliko Trapp

Hi Kaliko,
thank you for your suggestion. Much appreciated!

The reasoning on my end (reasoning that may now be flawed) is that the “Plugins” page is really the “Shop” page. It only contains purchasable products, which HD Quiz (being free at WordPress.org) is not.

The vast majority of visitors to this site (we’re talking 95%+) come either from the HD Quiz page on WordPress or the plugin itself, so linking back to the HD Quiz plugin page at WordPress.org is not a priority for me. Plus, I do have links to it on the support page and documentation pages.

I’ll consider adding HD Quiz as a product so it can be added to the Plugins page as well (except instead of add to cart, it will link to the WordPress.org page), or making the existing links on the documentations and support pages more visible to make things easier for users like you who find this site on your own.

Speaking of — how did you find HD Quiz? Google, YouTube, a blog post, or did someone add an HD Quiz link to their own quizzes?

01 April 2024 — 14:14 support admin - Dylan

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